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The Dicey Legacy Sims 3 Challenge!

Updated: Sep 24, 2023

This is the Dicey Legacy Challenge (for Sims 3) created by me NessiePenguin :)

If you love the fun of randomness then this could be a great challenge for you!

In this challenge you will LET THE DICE DECIDE and you will aim to have a family tree of 10 generations of sims whilst completing the following rules.

All you need is a dice & Sims 3.

I also recommend having these expansion packs (although they are not necessary as these are part of optional dice rolls): World Adventures, Ambitions, Showtime, Supernatural & Pets recommended

Basic Rules:

1) Only use cheats if the dice permits it.

2) You must do what the first roll tells you to do. No re-rolls!

3) You can only move on to the next generation once your founder/ current sim becomes an Elder & has completed their LTW (Lifetime Wish)– if they don’t you have failed the challenge sorry!

Some rolls are optional so you can skip those if you like but they just add more challenge/fun/randomness!

Let's begin...


Optional Roll:

1 – Make your sim as you like

2 – Choose any sim from your sim bin

3 – Choose an EA pre-made sim from the sim bin

4 – Hit Random

5 – Make your sim gorgeous

6 - Make a bizarre looking sim

Traits Roll:

1 – ONLY good traits

2 – ONLY bad traits

3 – Pick 4 good & 1 bad trait

4 - Pick 3 good & 2 bad traits

5 - Pick 2 good & 3 bad traits

6 – Hit random

You must then choose a LTW from the options the game has generated.

Move into a starter home, keep calm and roll!

Fate Roll - Your sim will have this many children:

1 Child

2 Children

3 Children

4 Children

5 Children

6 Children

Optional Fate Roll – Additional challenge

1- Get married

2- Never marry

3- Make 50,000 Simoleons

4- Become an occult

5- Marry someone from a WA country

6- Adopt a child

Optional Job roll:

1 – Unemployed – live off the land (sell crops & fish for money)

2 – Regular Career (e.g. doctor or police officer)

3 – Part Timer – can only get part time jobs (like working at the grocery store)

4 – Career from Ambitions (Architect, fireman, stylist, sculptor, inventor)

5 – Career from Showtime (Magician, Acrobat, Singer)

6 - Busker - play around town for tips!

NOTE: If your LTW is for a different career you must get to the top of the career type you rolled and then you can quit to complete your LTW career.

Optional DAILY ROLL (do this once a day).

1 – Feeling sociable - Meet a new sim or make friends with someone

2 – Feeling Lucky -You just found 1000 Simoleons in a dusty lost wallet on the street! Kaching!

3 – Feeling ambitious- You must gain a skill

4 – Feeling romantic – woohoo or make a baby

5 – You need stuff! Buy a new object (can be something from the bookstore, grocery store or for your house).

6 – Feeling adventurous – go on holiday, move house or just go out somewhere.


New Baby Trait roll:

1 – ONLY good traits

2 – ONLY bad traits

3 – Pick 1 good & 1 bad trait

4 – You choose!

5 - Pick some traits that match your current sim

6 – Hit random!

Age up Trait roll:

1 – Pick a good trait

2 – Pick a bad trait

3 – Pick something skill based

4 – You choose!

5 - Pick some traits that match your current sim

6 – Hit random

Extra Birthday Roll!

1 – Rich distant Aunt sent you 1000 Simoleons to spend on whatever you want! Kaching!

2 - Rich distant Uncle sent you 2000 Simoleons to spend making over your room! Kaching x 2!

3 – The local Crazy Cat Lady sent you 1000 Simoleons to buy a pet! Kaching!

4 – The local Space Society sent you 1000 Simoleons to buy something educational! Kaching!

5 – The local Tragic Clown Club sent you 1000 Simoleons to buy something fun! Kaching!

5 – NO money or gifts – sorry they all forgot!

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