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The Vampire Bloodline Challenge!


This is the Vampire Bloodline Challenge!

This requires either Supernatural or Late Night Vampires.

You also need a dice or online dice.


Getting Started

Make a vampire YA sim anyway you like but they must have the Unlucky and Evil trait

Move to any town. Purchase the biggest empty lot possible.


The Story

You have received a letter from your great grandfather. It says:

This is goodbye…

Since you left home we were discovered by a group of slayers. Everyone but myself perished in the fire they set to our home; I am afraid I don’t have long until they get me too so I will go into hiding. Do not despair, our bloodline has not ended. Remember your loyalty to our kind, you alone have the power to continue our legacy.

Good luck child of the night.


Challenge Rules

· Do not use cheats unless permitted

· The plasma fruit is dead. All adult vampires must feed from humans, or they must raid the hospital's blood bank.

· Mortals are to be used for feeding, service jobs only. You can only have a relationship once a sim is turned into a vampire.

· If any of your vampire sims woohoo with a mortal they must be punished/banished as they are disgraced.

· There must be a portrait or photograph of each coven member, and if you're feeling particularly ambitious, a book written about each. (For the library, of course!)

· You are allowed to get a job, although self-employment is encouraged.

· Vampires love Masquerade parties! Every Spooky Day, vampires must throw a Costume Party, and may invite their other race allies over for some Fall fun.

· Your sim may attend University. All majors are available. Dorms are not allowed - you must rent a private home.

· If it is not written in the rules decide for yourself 😊


Challenge Goals


GEN 1 - Money and Power

You want to turn your luck around and do everything you can to become wealthy and powerful.

Roll 1- 6 to decide how many children they must have.


· Marry Wealthy Sim and gain back the power and respect your family has lost.

· Begin building your family mansion

· Max out logic or mechanic skill

GEN 2 - Continuing family traditions

Roll 1- 6 to decide how many children they must have.


· You must continue to build on the family mansion

· Max out a musical skill in either Bass, Piano or Violin

GEN 3 - The rebellion

You love your family but it is time to spread your legacy further than your founder intended. You have no respect for the law and wish to leave a legacy in your artwork.

Roll 1- 6 to decide how many children they must have.


· Turn at least 3 other sims into vampires

· Have children with at least 2 different sims

· Max out the art, sculpting or street art skill

GEN 4 - Starting new traditions

You want to reunite and keep your family connections strong. You will organise weekly parties to gather all members of the family to discuss affairs.

Roll 1- 6 to decide how many children they must have.


· Throw a party every week

· Max out the cooking or mixology skill

· Max out the charisma skill

GEN 5 - Making a legacy eternal

You will become an Author and write about your family secrets and reveal all the secret vampire ways, this may inevitably lead to the extinction of your kind.

Roll 1- 6 to decide how many children they must have.


· Max out the writing or blogging skill

· Write several books about vampires


Optional extras!

DAILY ROLL - Once a day (or however often fits your story) you will roll for a random number 1- 6:

1 – Feeling sociable - Meet a new sim or make friends with someone

2 – Feeling Lucky -You just found 1000 Simoleons in a dusty lost wallet on the street! Kaching!

3 – Feeling ambitious- You must gain a skill

4 – Feeling romantic – woohoo or make a baby

5 – You need stuff! Buy a new object (can be something from the bookstore, grocery store or for your house).

6 – Feeling adventurous – go out at night

Extra Birthday Roll!

1 – 2: Your great grandfather sent you 1000 Simoleons! Kaching!

3 – 4: Your great grandfather sent you 1000 Simoleons! Kaching x 2!

5 – 6: Your great grandfather forgot about you- you receive NO money or gifts – sorry!

Good luck and have fun (even if you have to bend the rules)!

Inspiration and elements taken from:

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