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Vampire University

Updated: Oct 5, 2023

Hello there are you new to the campus? We get a lot of new faces round here and a lot of faces disappear too so we are glad you could join us at Luna University! I'd advise you that if you want to know the latest 'gossip' and 'the haps' you are best to check out a blog written by one of the students who goes to this University. I'll send the link to you....

Rosemary's Blog:


Hey hey Folks, it's been another day full of crazy stuff! Here's the latest....

So as you know me and my BFFs Celia and Trinity have just moved in to a wicked place on campus. And we did what we could to break the house in and break stuff in general, we threw a party and soooo much happened. Yikes if you didn't know! Sorry ermmm maybe next time?

So this is a photo of us girlies before we hit the road heading for our university home...

We are just 3 totally regular girls. I'm the one on the right, obviously the best one haha!

Anyway we got to our new pad that Trin picked out...

Rosemary's Archived Files. Very Private KEEP OUT!

I'm Rosemary, even though nobody will read this, I like to write sometimes and since our little gang have such an interesting life I wanted to note down our history, where it all began....

Trinity Everblood.

Undead since: The Late Middle Ages which was about 1350 to non-history geeks :) that was approx 670 years ago (she is an old lady) but to everyone else she looks 21 as we all do actually :)

Tale of the Turning: A loooong time ago Trin was just an orphan named Grace. She lost her whole family to the black plague, she was the only survivor. The orphanage she ended up at belonged to a cruel couple. If you have seen the film Oliver it was like that but with girls all in a workhouse barely fed enough and treated very badly. Even though she was bruised and weakened with hunger she would try an run away about once a week but the guard Mr. Johnson would always catch her and make an example of her to all the other girls so that they wouldn't try to escape.

One night she was praying to the stars that she would successfully escape this hell whilst looking up through the hole in the ceiling above her bed, there was suddenly a face blocking the view of the night sky. The poor little orphan could not believe her eyes. Taking a moment to rub her eyes and pinch herself she concluded that this was in fact real. The roof woman was wearing strange ancient looking clothing along with necklaces laden with jewels of the richest colours. The roof woman then spoke. "Hello child, I am here to answer your prayers of the night, to give you the strength to be free of this place." Orphan Trin really did desire to be free more than anything, however why would a complete stranger climb up on the roof to make her wish come true. The orphan said "are you like a fairy godmother? How did you get up on the roof? Are you here to get me in trouble I have already been beaten today!?" The roof woman looked at her impressed and said "I'm glad you are not naive that this is odd, but I have been watching you for some time as I need, let's say, an apprentice to learn my trade an one day become my successor". The orphan was still entirely confused and said "what is your profession, are you a chimney sweep, is that why you are on the roof? Also how have you been watching me?". The roof woman smirked and said "I sensed your inner power and saw your futile attempts at fleeing this place. I climbed up here a few nights to make sure you were the one and I am now sure. My name is Hester and I know you are the one I have been searching for.". The little orphan was just getting frustrated now, this Hester had not answered all of her questions. However before she had to time to ask for the answers once more Hester spoke again. "Do you want to be free of this place, the rats that own you and the pain you are in each and every day?" The orphan said yes and the next thing the woman jumped through the hole.

Trin said she didn't remember anything else but awoke the next day in a moving box. She was inside a coffin. Trin recalls wondering if she died or if people just thought she was dead and were now about to bury her alive. She started shouting, I'm in here I'm still alive, help get me out! She was panicking and shaking, but it wasn't a panic attack, if felt like her veins were popping and her heart was about to explode (I remember this feeling myself) she closed her eyes tightly and braced herself. And then there was nothing. She opened her eyes. She felt different, in fact she didn't feel much at all. She was still in the dark and pushed on the box. The lid slid off with ease. Her surrounds became more visible in the pale moonlight. She stepped out on the box. It was in fact as she had just assumed a coffin pilled next to a few other coffins in a graveyard- they must have been due to bury them the next day. Then she heard a voice from under a tree in the shadows, a familiar voice. Hester stepped out. "Good evening child, today is your becoming and you will find your pains have gone and we are not in that wretched place anymore."Trin asked frantically "what happened to me, where am I, what did you do to me?" Hester told her that her questions would all be answered overtime but she needed to be patient. Hester also gave that poor orphan her name Trinity as her vampire reborn name.

After this Trinity moved from town to town, country to country, met wonderful people, ate many of them. She did many amazing things and saw many amazing things yada yada yada. She did mention she was part of a circus too, in fact she never stops going on about it.

Trinity hasn't told me the rest yet, or I dosed off but if she does tell me the story again or if I recall it I will update this TOP SECRET file ;)

I'm not sure if she has ever been in love or at least I haven't extracted that info from her yet. In 600 years she must have fallen in love at least once right!? TBC

Celia Addams

Undead since: Victorian times approx 150 years ago (she is an old lady too haha)

Tale of the Turning: Celia was not exactly a popular girl when she was alive. Now I think she is wonderful, pretty and smart, but that's not how people around her saw her. Celia was actually the maid of a wealthy family called the Landgraabs. She did all her chores and then liked to spend her down time reading. But back then she told me that girls who read and wanted to learn were thought of as odd. She kept to herself for the most part, trying not to draw attention to herself. Then one day as she was sweeping the path outside the front door, the love of her life from next door who she had been secretly admiring whilst washing dishes - Damian Richly - asked her to a party. He was very posh and highly respected and most girls swooned over him (her words not mine that sounds super icky). She said yes of course (as she couldn't really refuse and she wanted to go with him). This was beyond a dream, a gorgeous rich gentleman had asked her out! She made a real effort and put her best dress on (a plain pale blue dress as that was all she had as formal wear), she was so excited - poor thing. She quietly left the house and walked next door in the darkness of night to Richly Manor. It was a beautiful house and she had never before been that daring to go so close to it. After she knocked the lion door knocker Damien invited her into the fire lit living room with many people chatting away. They suddenly went quiet and looked at her. Damian then declared to the room that he had "won the weirdest guest competition and invited the biggest loser freak to the party". Celia was so utterly upset and she ran and she ran and she ran. She thought he night couldn't get any worse when she got hit by a very old looking car. She felt her bones break and she was on the floor knowing that these were her last minutes alive. A woman bend down beside her. It was none other than our Trin! She was being driven to an exclusive event downtown when her dopey driver crashed into poor Celia. Trinity out of pity or something offered to turn Celia to give her a second chance.

In all those hundreds of years Celia was the first person Trinity ever sired (turned into a vamp). It took her only a minute or two to decide that she wanted to do that for Celia, its kinda sweet and Trinity does have like a sixth sense when it comes to knowing people so I guess she just sensed how awesome Celia is in those few minutes. Well wither way I'm super glad she did it. Celia obviously accepted Trinity's offer although she said she was utterly confused with being all broken physically and emotionally at the time, but I know she doesn't regret it. Trinity took Celia back to her sick mansion and waited for Celia to become a vamp, a child of the night. Celia was still the same smart, quiet girl after she was turned, but she was less shy and actually desired immediate payback - she got her revenge and Trinity and Celia actually had to move town after the major blood bath. But honestly Celia is a nice girl to her friends at least :)

Me - Rosemary Quinn

Undead since: The 70s baby!

Tale of the Turning: I was a wild child and still am. I attended all the protests for world peace or whatever I could rant about really and I went to all the most rockin parties. I mean I grew up in the sixties it was a fun time, you know flower power and the Beatles and smoking was what everyone was doing. I had met Celia and Trin at a few parties, they were in my town at the time and I guess curious about what was going on. I think before the 60s things were so 'proper' so now people were wearing mini skirts and I think they were a little shocked by the hundreds of years of repression if you ask me. I made friends with them instantly (at least on my part) I really took them out of their comfort zone, but I think they enjoyed it and have no regrets. Shortly after I had turned 21 I threw the best Kegger party ever, me and the girlies were out of our minds! Trinity told me she was a vampire, it laughed and laughed and then got real serious and said "oh make me one, make me one, that sounds so fun" (for some reason despite the lack of memory for the rest of the night I really remember saying that). But I must have really convinced poor drunk Trinity and so she embraced me and made me what I am today!

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